Happy end of June (Almost) to everyone! Can’t believe that July is upon us already! Time, as usual, is up to no good and is doing nothing but flying by. Good Grief. 🙁
Yep, been over a week since my last post. What I am finding is that, wait for it… an excuse is imminent…, Summer is a hard time to keep to a schedule. How weird… right? I mean… I’m not working a formal job or anything, so all I should really have is time! At least… that’s what I tell myself. Then again, tennis camp, chores around the house, cheerleading camp, yard work, travel plans, fatigue days, dizzy days, lazy days… my excuses go on and on and on! 🙂 I’ll say it again… it’s my whole hearted intention to write something at least once a week! I’ll do my best!
Honestly folks, I haven’t posted in the last few days because I’ve been extremely tired, a bit dizzy and I’ve had this nagging little headache that reminds me of… don’t say it!!!… maybe it’s Crap Gap time? Remember, Crap Gap is an informal term that those of us taking Ocrevus use to describe how we feel when we’re about a month out from the next infusion. Many of us believe that as Ocrevus dissipates in our systems, that we start to experience negative side effects (ie Fatigue, Dizziness, Mobility issues, etc.). I’ve read quite a few blurbs on different sites where folks with MS have questioned their MS Specialist/Neurologist about the Crap Gap… only to hear that “It’s not a thing” (Im summarizing… bear with me). Man… bothers me, and I’m sure quite a few others, to hear a response like that. It must be in all of our heads! For sure!
I know I’ve written about Crap Gap before and although it seemed a bit more pronounced around my second infusion vs my third.. I can definitely tell something is a bit off. The dizzies are with me, fatigue is setting in and I’ve got a lingering headache that just seems to be with me all the time. The headache is not serious enough that I want to take an Advil or anything, but annoying nonetheless. Of course, the weather has definitely warmed up, but it hasn’t been the super hot summer that we’re used to in North Carolina… at least not so far. So, Im going to point my fingers at the fact my next infusion is about 6 weeks away and my body is starting to respond to the need for more Ocrevus. I don’t know… it’s easier to blame things on a gap of medicine vs thinking my nervous system is solely responsible for me not feeling super well. Oh well. Nothing to be done but grin and bear it! Right?
Posting information like this makes me wonder… sometimes… if someone without, or even with, MS thinks I’m just fussing and moaning or being a bit of a baby. When I say something like, “I’m going to point my finger at…” it’s not so much that I need something to BLAME for how I feel, but perhaps the assurance that the way I’m feeling will go away once I get more medicine… or when the weather is cooler… or when I’m not so tired… or or or. Sucks to be someone like me… at least once in while. I mean…. most of the time.. I’m pretty dang awesome! Ask my friends… they’ll vouch for me! 🙂
So, enough about me for the day! I’ll probably post late next week or early the following as it’s likely going to be a pretty darn busy week! I’ve received several comments over the past couple of weeks…. which is awesome and confirms that someone other than me and mom are checking this blog out! 🙂 Please keep the comments coming!
Have a great week and talk to you soon!
Jeanne OConnell · June 26, 2021 at 4:50 am
Interesting! And I’m here to tell you MS never gives up on hitting us with episodes of fatigue, medicine or no. Mine are not so severe as they were in the early days, and after so many years of living with MS I still have days when I barely have enough energy to get out of bed, which means I’ll probably spend the day sleeping off and on. Lately my excuse has been I’m still grieving over my husband’s death in March. The reality is MS fatigue is unique and extremely hard to explain to someone who doesn’t have MS.
1guywithMS · July 4, 2021 at 3:41 pm
Well said! Fatigue is just one of those things… it’s so impactful, but not “visible” enough for others to be able to relate to it. I know you’re missing your husband a lot and I’m sorry about that. 🙁 Wish I had gotten a chance to meet him! Hopefully we’ll get a chance to connect this week at the Wine Cellar! Have a great day today!
Ben Hofmeister · July 13, 2021 at 5:31 pm
Ah, the crap gap. I’ll have my 8th Ocrevus infusion in October and mine consistently hits me 3 weeks before each infusion. This past April’s infusion was the exception to the norm. The infusion should have been in March but it was delayed on the advice of my neuro so as not to interfere with the Covid vaccine. My theory on why the gap wasn’t noticeable this time is that my immune system was busy with a response to the 2 doses of the vaccine and didn’t have a chance to cause problems when the last dose of Ocrevus wore off.
The unverified opinion of a guy with holes in his brain.
1guywithMS · July 14, 2021 at 2:45 pm
Hi Ben! You’re up to your 8th infusion? Congrats! A bit weird to say “Congrats” for something like that. I have been told that the crap gap “fades” a bit the longer we’re on Ocrevus, but guess time will tell on that one. This August will be my 4th full, so ready to get it out of the way. I checked out your blog site… looks good guy. Thanks for your service! I was in the Air National Guard back in the 90’s… such a great experience! Take care and look forward to hearing more from you!
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