Greetings! This will be my new blog site. Today, 2/14/20, I am taking my first steps into “Blogger-dom”, so it will likely take several attempts to get this right (If I know myself.. and I do). 🙂 I am an average guy living a great life with my wife and kids… all while navigating the ups and downs of a disease called Multiple Sclerosis. My intention for this blog is to connect to other folks with MS and to share a bit of what day-to-day life is like when living with a chronic health condition. Exciting stuff… 🙂 Maybe. Or, maybe not. Humor helps me keep things light.. even on days that, no other way to say it, suck.
I’ll leave it there for now, but will work over the next several weeks to firm up the look and feel and get into a routine of blogging. If you didn’t know it, routines.. be they exercise, work, chores around the house, kid duties, etc… are an important part of living successfully with MS as they keep us motivated and using our body and brains. The old adage… “If you don’t use it, you lose it” is very applicable and can be just a tad bit frightening. One of those things I hope to properly illustrate in the days/weeks/months to come.
Look forward to sharing my experiences!