People! It’s November! Really. I’m not kidding. It’s November. Um. My last post was written in November, but I guess it was so close to Halloween that it didn’t register. I cannot believe how fast the time is moving. Some of the crazier/bored/ambitious folks in my neighborhood already have their Christmas decorations up. Yes, I know, I thought so too. πŸ™‚ Crazy. However, it is COVID and 2020, so I guess we’re all used to everything being a bit different than every other year. Ever. Moving on…. LOL

So, In prior posts I know I’ve mentioned that the particular type of Multiple Sclerosis I have is called Relapsing Remitting (RRMS for short). True to its namesake, this means that I can have symptoms for a day, or a week or even a month, but then they just fade away. There is a lot of relief with the “fade away” part, but frustration with the “IT’S HERE” piece. πŸ™‚ The unpredictability is a pain in the butt…. basically all of the time. RRMS is what the majority of folks with MS have.

“Steve!”, you say! “What?”, I say back! “Can you tell us about a time you had symptoms like this? PLEASE help us understand why you say RRMS is a pain in the butt! Pretty PLEASE?”, you say! “Well, young padawan”, I say back. “It’s funny you should ask…”. πŸ™‚ Ok. Forgive the grammatical issues and a conversation taking place all within the same paragraph. I’m being a bit silly, so you just have to deal. It is MY blog after all. Right? πŸ™‚

Seriously though, last week was a good example of life with RRMS. I’ll lay out a timeline, so you can kind of see how things went each day.

  • Monday – Average day. 8000 steps.
  • Tuesday – Felt a bit weird. Pretty tired and dizzy. 11600 steps. Side note here, when I’m not feeling good I often try to compensate by being more active. It doesn’t seem to help, but it keeps me active even if I’m feeling like crap.
  • Wednesday – Felt bad. Super dizzy and tired. 8000 steps.
  • Thursday – Feeling bad. Again, very dizzy and tired. Hard to get out of bed and get things done around the house. 4000 steps. Too tired to really walk.
  • Friday – Again, feeling pretty bad. 4000 steps. Overall, just another day of RRMS crap. Super dizzy, irritable because I was dizzy and exhausted. My wife veto’d a fishing trip I’d had on the books with a friend for a few weeks because she knew I was having a tough time (Yes. We have a veto arrangement that works both ways if we think the other person is going to do something… hmmm.. stupid? Im usually the one being veto’d.) That really sucked because I had been REALLY looking forward to that trip. πŸ™
  • Saturday – Improving. Slept in a bit. Rested. 4000 steps. By mid-afternoon I could tell I’d probably be fine by Monday.
  • Sunday – Almost normal. 7000 steps. Still rested a bit more than normal, but dizzies and fatigue mostly gone.

Hope that wasn’t too much information, but basically it’s a decent representation of “One of those weeks”. The good news is, I rescheduled the fishing trip with my buddy Eric for the weekend after next and… if we end up catching something… we can blame MS for something good? Man.. it’s all about finding the positive!

Until next time!


Categories: Blogs!


Greetings! Yes, I realize there is a bit of BIO space associated with completing a Blog via this site. It's rather limited, though, with respect to what you can share (Drop down only responses, Limited response fields, etc.), so I thought I would add a Biography Page. So here goes... in Bullet Point Format. It's short but likely to expand over time... still meandering a bit with look and feel stuff! Name: Steve (Or Stephen) Marital Status: Yes, Married to my wife Stacey for 25 years (Maybe she'll be a contributor) Children: Yes, Three boys (Ages 21, 19 and 17) and one girl (Age 7) Hobbies: Reading, Anything Outdoors (Fishing, Hiking, Etc) and Cooking